What Are Ongoing Services in Connecticut DCF Cases?

  • After an investigation, DCF can close a case or keep it open
  • DCF might choose to keep a case open for Ongoing Services
  • Noncompliance can lead to the filing of a neglect petition
  • So, if your family is under investigation by DCF or you have already been referred for ongoing services, contact a Connecticut DCF Defense Lawyer today

What are Ongoing Services?

After a Connecticut DCF Investigation, the Department may decide to keep a case open for what is known as “Ongoing Services”. These services could occur in-home where the child remains with his or her family or out-of-home where the child is placed in a different living situation. When DCF decides to refer a family for Ongoing Services, the case will be transferred to an Ongoing Services Supervisor.

Will There be a Home Visit?

Yes. The Ongoing Services and the Investigations Social Worker will have a joint home visit to discuss Ongoing Services with the family. During this home visit you can have an attorney present to help you to understand what is going on and to help make sure your rights are respected.

When Will my Ongoing Services Case End?

Your Connecticut Ongoing Services case can end in a number of ways. DCF says in their Policy Manual at §23-1 that Ongoing Services cases will end when abuse or neglect is no longer noted. Further, if the court steps in and says the kids are not abused or neglected, if the case is referred to another agency, or if the family moves out of state Connecticut Ongoing Services will lose power over the case. A lawyer who has helped families with Ongoing Services cases before can help you to get your Ongoing Services case closed as quickly as possible.

Can My Kids Still be Taken Away?

Yes. During an Ongoing Services case you are under DCF’s microscope. If you’re unwilling to accept a services DCF deems as intending to prevent placement, if Ongoing Services thinks your child is in imminent physical danger, or if you do not comply with the Case Plan DCF can move to have your child removed from the home or file a Neglect Petition Against you.

If DCF is considering removing your child, there will be a “Considered Removal Child and Family Team Meeting”. A DCF lawyer can help you to prepare for this meeting and best represent your standpoint to avoid your child being removed.

If DCF fears your child is in imminent risk of physical harm, they can take your child under an emergency 96-hour hold. To learn more about this 96-hour hold, click here.

Contact a DCF Defense Attorney About Ongoing Services

If your family is being investigated by DCF or you have already been referred for ongoing services, it is important to understand exactly what this means. A top Connecticut DCF defense attorney can help make sure your rights are being honored. To learn more, check out our hundreds of 5-star Avvo.com reviews, and give the attorneys at Mark Sherman Law a call today.

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I found Mark Sherman after doing an extensive search for DCF attorneys on the internet. He is without a doubt the most honest and straightforward attorney I have ever met. Rather than trying to push us towards an expensive engagement...

- Robert E
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