Yes. Reports to DCF that involve sexual abuse must be shared with the police within 12 hours of DCF receiving it. So in addition to fighting against DCF to dismiss a false and old sexual assault claim, the police will also be investigating to see if there is enough evidence to make an arrest.
Yes, but there usually are very long statutes of limitations that will keep the investigation alive. Plus, the accuser may be making a move to sue you civilly to try to get you to pay money to keep the case quiet. The important thing to do is not to panic and to sit down with a top Connecticut sexual assault lawyer to defend you against the police, DCF and any bogus civil claim.
No. DCF investigations and reports are confidential. However, if DCF places you on the central registry, your job and livelihood may be in jeopardy if you work with children because you job will likely require that you consent to them checking the Central Registry for your name.
There is no limit on how far back DCF can go to investigate you. If someone comes forward today accusing you of sexual abusing them 30 years ago, DCF has the power to investigate you, and they will. This makes defending yourself especially challenging as most of the evidence proving your innocence is likely gone.
They open investigations based on oral and written reports of suspected abuse and/or neglect, substantiate or unsubstantiated those allegations, and provide services to families. They speak to all witnesses involve and look at documents and records.
Possibly. That depends on the specific circumstances and how old you were. Generally, if you are accused of sexual misconduct that occurred before you were 16 years old, you cannot be placed on the registry.
A DCF investigation must be closed within 45 days of it being commenced. However, the top Connecticut DCF attorneys have found that sometimes DCF will drag its feet and refuse to close an investigation within the time frame. In those cases, the best Connecticut DCF lawyers know what to file to put pressure on DCF to bring the case to a close.
Yes. As time goes on, we have seen DCF become more and more aggressive with their investigations. Showing up unannounced is tactic DCF uses to catch you and your family by surprise before you get the chance to speak to an attorney. Even if you are being accused of something that occurred over 10 years ago, DCF will start interviewing people without notice.
Fighting an old DCF sexual abuse investigation in Connecticut can be extremely difficult. Hire a top attorney from our firm to fight for you. Read from our hundreds of certified reviews. Then call today.