Rowayton DCF Investigation Lawyer

  • DCF investigates allegations of sexual abuse and neglect against minors.
  • DCF will be contacting you within 72 hours.
  • DCF investigations last 45 days.
  • Get a top Rowayton DCF attorney to represent you and get DCF out of your life as soon as possible.

What is Rowayton DCF?

DCF stands for Department of Children and Families. They are a Connecticut agency in charge of investigating reports of abuse and neglect against minors. This means they have the authority to remove your children from your home if they believe your kids are not safe.

How Did My Rowayton DCF Investigation Start?

Someone made a report to DCF. This could have been a mandated reported like a doctor or a teacher, a concerned family member, or even a nosy neighbor.

What Does a Rowayton DCF Investigate Look Like?

Rowayton DC investigations focus specifically on allegations of child abuse and neglect. This includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, medical neglect, emotional neglect, and moral neglect. If DCF finds any of these are occurring, they will substantiate the allegations against you and possibly place you on their central registry.

What is the DCF Central Registry?

The DCF Central Registry where DCF keeps track of people they believe pose a continuing risk to the health or well being of children. The list is confidential under Connecticut General Statue § 17-28 and the related laws, but many jobs will require your permission to check the list for your name before they hire you.

How Long Will My Rowayton DCF Investigation Last?

A DCF investigation must be closed within 45 days with either a substantiation or dismissal of the allegations. The top Rowayton DCF attorneys will fight for you to prevent a substantiation finding and keep you off the central registry.

Will the Norwalk Police Get Involved?

Typically, yes. If a report is made to DCF, they get the police involved. DCF and the police will run their Rowayton investigations side by side and assist each other, especially for sex crimes. To learn more about police investigations for sex crimes, click here.

Should I Cooperate With DCF?

That depends. The best Rowayton criminal and DCF attorneys will agree that cooperation is one of the most important decisions you will make. In some cases, you may you’re your case worse. In others, you may get it closed faster. That all depends on a number of factors that your top Rowayton DCF attorney can go over with you. Contact any of the most successful Rowayton criminal and DCF lawyers to discuss the best option for your case.

Call a Top Rowatyon DCF Investigation Attorney Today

DCF at your door signals the start of major issues. Once they open an investigation and get in your life, it is hard to get them to leave. Hire any of the top Rowayton DCF investigation lawyers to fight for you. Read from our hundreds of certified reviews. Then call the Mark Sherman Law today.

Client Reviews


I found Mark Sherman after doing an extensive search for DCF attorneys on the internet. He is without a doubt the most honest and straightforward attorney I have ever met. Rather than trying to push us towards an expensive engagement...

- Robert E
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